Friday, June 24, 2011

Lifetime learning

I am reading a great book by David Brooks called The Social Animal.  The book is written as the story of two individuals. Yet, as the cover says, "This story is told one level down, at the level of emotions, intuitions, biases, and deep inner longings, where character is formed and the seeds of accomplishment grow.  It's possible to tell this story now because over the past thirty years, an array of researchers have peered into the inner'll come away with a new perspective on who you are, on how we raise our kids, conduct business, teach, love, and practice politics."  Brooks' insights on all these topics make this book a worthy read for parents, teachers, fund-raisers, business people, and anyone who is in a relationship.  I need to process some of his information and research, but I think he has made a strong platform for discussing some of the issues in education that need addressing: the  impact of poverty on both schools and children, the power of the unconscious in our decision-making, effective leadership in the classroom, in schools, and in our homes, and the effects of cultural bias that overemphasizes rationalism, individualism, and IQ.  The questions he raises about happiness and success are intriguing.  I hope many will read the book and enter into a dialogue about some of the issues that are pertinent.

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