Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Just what the world needs

Why "An Opener of Doors" as a name for this blog?  For those of us who are over 50, the need for yet another blog appears questionable.  However, after spending 4 decades in the classroom and now having the privilege of working with aspiring teachers at the collegiate level, I think that much wisdom is being lost in the current environment.  Baby boomers are retiring in waves, taking with them complex and in-depth knowledge that can only be acquired in the classroom over time.  Various "accountability" movements threaten to dehumanize the shared work of the teacher and student in the name of data.  I would like to create in this blog a chance for some of those who have been doing this work well for many years to share their insights, their advice, and their encouragement, for those who are just beginning their careers.  The work of the classroom should be joyful, important, and recognize that the life of the mind is far more exciting than the basal reader makes it seem.  If you want to help, please join the conversation and help open some doors--for our current students and for the students who follow. Come be an opener of doors!

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